10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
| Blue Room (Pavilion 22) | BolognaFiere
In the last three years, the biogas and biomethane sector has witnessed numerous significant regulatory developments that have greatly stimulated the market and attracted growing interest from a variety of stakeholders (agricultural businesses, both Italian and foreign investment funds, industries in hard-to-decarbonize sectors, energy companies, technology providers, etc.). Starting from the publication of the so-called Biomethane Decree Ter (DM 15/09/2022), which introduced a new incentive mechanism for biomethane production, it has evolved to include the introduction of the Guarantees of Origin mechanism (DM 224/2023) and the more recent "sustainability decree" and "FER2 decree," along with renewed technical standards and application procedures.
During the BioCH4 DAY, Lorenzo Maggioni (agronomist and biomethane expert) and some representatives of the sector will take stock of the current situation and its possible evolution.
The event, which will be held in a hybrid format (in-person and online) and will feature continuous interaction with participants, aims to gather feedback and insights from industry operators to better organize the conference scheduled to take place in Bari on November 27, 2024, in conjunction with ACCADUEO (